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Spraying Concerns

Mosquito Control Program

Several residents have expressed a concern about the effect of long-term exposure to the insecticide used within Celebration. Our mosquito control program is in full compliance with EPA and State of Florida guidelines. However, if any resident has a similar concern, the spraying schedule is posted on the website for your convenience (see below). You can reduce your risk of inhalation of the mosquito spray by remaining inside during the time they are scheduled to be in your neighborhood. In addition, if any resident desires that we not spray in the immediate vicinity of your house, please provide your request to the District office, and our contractor will put your address on a “no spray” list.

Green Practices

In an effort to implement more “green” technologies, the contractor has started using electric sprayers to reduce the noise level. These are much quieter than the previous sprayers, so much so that residents should not even hear them going by. These electric sprayers will soon be coupled with an electric vehicle in continued efforts to lessen their carbon footprint within the community.

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